On-Page SEO Audit


If you feel like you’re banging your head against a brick wall trying to get your Google rankings to improve then our On-Page SEO Audit is here to help.

You’ll get a personalized analysis of your website’s on-page SEO where we’ll talk through what’s working and what’s not. The half hour session will be packed full of BS-free tips and tricks that you can easily put into place. Plus you can throw any of your SEO related questions at me.

You can join me on the 30-minute call where we’ll walk through your website together. Or, you can choose to have the session pre-recorded for you to watch in your own time. Just choose the option that suits you best below:

Say goodbye to frustration and hello to higher rankings.

Are you tired of struggling to get your website to rank higher in Google? Does SEO feel like a complex science that you’re not sure if you’re nailing? You’re not alone!

That’s where our On-Page SEO Audit is here to help.

Here’s the deal: on a 30-minute call, I’ll take a walk through your website and assess the on-page SEO. I’ll give you a personalized analysis with easy-to-follow, BS-free guidance on how to improve it. Plus you’ll have time to ask all those niggling questions. No more guessing games, no more wasted time.

Hate the idea of getting on a call with a perfect stranger? Or work weird hours and struggle to find a set time to be at your desk? No worries – just choose the pre-recorded call instead. You can still send your questions in advance so you’ll get the same great value that you can pause, come back to, and watch in your own time.

Here’s how it works:

Live Call Option:

  1. Scroll on up and choose the ‘Live Call’ option, click the big ‘Add to Cart’ button and purchase your On-Page SEO Audit
  2. Within 24 hours, you’ll receive a link to my live calendar so you can book a 30-minute call directly with me
  3. At your chosen time, grab a cup of tea and join the call armed with all your questions. Over the half hour session, we’ll go through your website together and discuss what’s working and what’s not

Pre-Recorded Option:

  1. Select the ‘Pre-Recorded’ option before hitting ‘Add to Cart’ and purchase your On-Page SEO Audit
  2. Within 24 hours, you’ll receive a form asking for some details about your website and a space to ask any questions
  3. Within 10 days, you’ll receive a link to a pre-recorded video where you’ll see my screen as I walk through your website, talking you through improvements that can be made. I will also talk through your questions during the call

And don’t worry. This isn’t one of the sales calls that only has 2 minutes of value and 28 minutes of upselling. This is 30 minutes all about your website and improvements you can make.

If you don’t get an email from me within 24 hours requesting the follow-up information, check your spam and promotions folders first. If there’s nothing there, just drop me a message and I will get this sorted for you.

Who’s the Audit For?

Whether you’re just starting out or if you’ve been in the digital business space forĀ  years, there will be actionable nuggets you can take away to improve your on-page SEO. Including things you can do right away to see results.

This service is perfect for small business owners, bloggers, affiliate marketers, and anyone else who wants to improve their website’s SEO and rank higher in Google.

Say goodbye to frustration and not knowing where to start and hello to higher rankings.


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Two hands pointing at a laptop, product image for On-Page SEO AuditOn-Page SEO Audit